Share-It Square Angel Bench (2003)
SE 9th & Sherrett
This project resulted in one of the most beautiful and famous examples of cob construction ever built anywhere. Though the project was an experimental example of cob built without a roof, it lasted for several years until it was replaced. However, the face of the angel still exists and has been permanently installed in the Share-It Square sauna. We also saw the creation of the popular Flame Bench (inspired by Thai temples), and Oblio the frog-shaped cob pizza oven.

Mirador Community Bench (2003)
SE 21st & Division
This project consists of a pair of benches that face each other, topped by a boat-like structure that is covered with a canvas roof.

South Tabor Intersection Repair & Gathering Place (2004)
SE 61st & Clinton
This project began by organizing around an intersection transformation project. Then, when a certain neighbor objected to that project the whole focus shifted to a key corner where an amazing gathering place and natural building projects began to take shape. A neighbor decided to benefact his corner to the community so that the momentum would continue, and so a sculptural cob bench and community oven were built, along with a beautiful information kiosk with the most lovely mosaic tile work in the city.

Sunnyside Environmental School Gateway with Cob Bench & Kiosk
3421 SE Salmon
This project was designed and built by students, and with a lot of leadership help. It features a series of cob benches that resemble the Cascade Mountains, a cob kiosk, and a tweaked trapezoid living roof.

Awakenings Wellness Center Community project (2006)
Awakenings Community Project (3 projects)
NB- Cob with Living Roof, lime plaster walls, Enormous Community Mural, 1016 SE 12th Ave.
This project successfully undertook an ambitious schedule of projects and they were all completed in one push. The sculptural cob bench, lime plaster wall, and enormous mural greatly enhanced the street presence of this community healing site.
Awakenings Wellness Center
PM- 1034 SE 12th Ave.
This project reworked a few details from the previous year, as well as adding mosaic stone and tile planter strips so that drivers can park in front of the facility and step across lovely surfaces for pedestrians.
Awakenings Wellness Center
PM, 1016 SE 12th Ave.
This community installed a solar-powered water feature and hosted numerous workshops focused on developing sustainable culture.

SE UpLift Community Bench Projects (2007)
3534 SE Main St.
This project repairs and upgrades existing sculptural cob benches, and also adds much-needed roof shelters above them.

Sabin Green TeaHouse & Bench (2007)
4520 NE 19th Ave.
Sabin Green is the smallest cohousing community in Portland, and this project provides a shared social space for the four families to share. It is used for play, relaxation, and also provides space for guests to stay.
Pacific Crest School (2007)
NE 29 & Davis
The youth were involved in the design process of the project, as well as the physical formation and completion of the bench. The site project was a year long class for the youth at this alternative school, which occupied two of their semesters.

Hawthorne Youth Hostel Pavilion (2007)
3945 SE Hawthorne
very exciting project. The design was updated and modified, with a complex roof structure

Mary Barrett Memorial Gathering Place (2008)
14750 SE Clinton
An exquisite composition of sheltered cob benches that incorporate numerous animal shapes that together form an inviting gathering place.

Portland Community College Sylvania Learning Garden (2010)
12000 SW 49th
A giant, swirling, salmon-shaped bench topped with a green roof.

Ujima Center Outdoor Kitchen (2011)
2003 NE Holman
A cob oven, permaculture pizza garden, cob bench building, finishing processes and celebrations!

Placemaking @ PSU (2012)
PSU orchard, SW 12th and Montgomery
PSU Peace on Earthbench: Transformed waste into community space. Bottle bricks - also known as a Portable Landfill Devices (PLD) or ecobricks - areplastic bottles stuffed with trash and compacted with sticks until they become as compressed as bricks.

Leaven Garden (2015)
5431 NE 20th Ave, Portland, OR
Leaven garden is located on a highly trafficked sidewalk on NE 20th next to Alberta park. This project put in a small covered area with cob bench so that Leaven community members and passersby have a place of beauty to sit and enjoy the garden and the view of the park.
2508 NE Everett St
This project ,Dragon Bench, is the largest dragon bench in North America.