City Repair Needs You!
Exciting times are ahead! City Repair is looking for collaborators new and returning to join us as we move into the future.
Meetings occur weekly at City Repair Headquarters on Wednesdays from 6pm - 8pm, at 1421 SE Division, in Portland, OR. These meetings are mostly planning and logistics, but the first Wednesday of each month is a social potluck. Feel free to bring food to share! Please join us and make City Repair better than ever!
We have a team to accompany our mobile tea house (the T-horse), to share community gathering space and host neighborhood events. We need support with setting up the T-horse and bringing it down each time, sharing out the tea and goodies, enjoying the space, and contributions of tasty treats to share.
The annual VBC is a truly amazing and connecting experience. We have so many roles to fill and organizational meetings to arrange in advance. If you’re interested in planning it or teaching a skill for 2025, we look forward to maximizing the event with all the amazing skills and talents our volunteer teams have to offer. Please bring your ideas, dreams, and enthusiasm!
If you have a project or workshop to propose, please visit the weekly meeting at 1421 SE Division in Portland on Wednesdays from 6pm - 8pm, contact us, or fill out the form below.