Move-Month November
Help us this month by signing up here:
After years of having a home with Communitecture, having meetings hosted or most recently sharing an office, our space on SE 12th and Market is coming to end. The building has been sold and we are to vacate. Our next home (luckily staying with Communitecture!) will be at 840 SE Alder, sharing space with our friends Guildworks.
In this time of transition, much help is needed! To activate our new space we will be remodeling, planting a new food forest, and the usual packing and hauling.
We have many workparties and we’re looking for volunteers to help and RSVP here:
Besides physical help, please consider donating to help cover the moving costs, and the Give!Guide would be an amazing venue to give to us right now.
While we’re sad to leave the beautiful home that Communitecture had created, as well as to feel the pressure of Portland’s development storm, we’re hopeful and excited to keep on keeping on.
After twenty years we've been around the block, which is great because we're repairing it.