Have you heard of P:EAR?
P:EAR logo. “Creatively mentoring homeless youth”
We all know that there is a widespread struggle to stay afloat right now, but I’d like to bring attention to P:EAR. They have always been such a great service to many unhoused youths in Portland and are relying on support from the community so they can continue to serve hundreds of hungry people every day. Aside from food going out the door, they are also serving art kits, and all sorts of other things. Imagine something that you couldn’t live without, and that is the kind of stuff they are trying to get to those in need. The staff at P:ear is doing a great job of keeping their website updated with current items most needed, so if you have the capacity to do so, please help them spread the love. Go to https://www.pearmentor.org/covid/index.html to see how you can help.
Youth at P:EAR’s Old Town drop in site, making art, surrounded in donated art supplies.
You can also get involved in their Meal Train. If you are interested in volunteering your time to help prepare meals, you can sign up at https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/1wgw6q
Another great service that is continuing to run is the P:EAR Bike Works at
16126 SE Stark St, Portland OR 97233
(behind The Rosewood Initiative, off 162nd, just south of Stark St.)
BIke mechanic and customer discussing bike at P:EAR Bike Works.
“Got a dream set of wheels? Purchase bike parts from p:ear bike works and we'll build them out for you for just $25 a wheel! Handbuilt by a builder with 10+ years of experience, wheels guaranteed.”
Its a great time to be biking. The weather is getting nice and less traffic than usual. P:EAR Bike Works is open Thursday & Friday 11am-5pm, Saturday 10am-4pm. Pop by the shop and say hi to Kaia, Nate, and Bree while you’re there!